Hair Loss diagnosis
Diagnosing Hair Loss: Hair loss is best diagnosed and treated by a physician. Medical diagnosis tests measure the severity of hair loss, including blood, hair sample, & scalp biopsy. This information is not a substitute for a health care provider’s medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or examination and assessment of a patient’s specific and unique circumstances.

Hair Loss Diagnosis & Treatments
Evaluation and diagnosis of hair loss
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, regular hair loss is about 50 to 100 the strand of hair falls. Indeed, the hair regrowth process may slow or stop as we age, and thin or bald areas may occur. Anagen effluvium is the abnormal diffuse hair loss during the growth phase caused by an event that impairs hair follicle activity. However, there are many abnormal conditions to cause hair to fall prematurely. A simple blood test can help in hair loss diagnosis and uncover the cause of the hair loss. Causes vary from disease, vitamin deficiency, and hormone imbalance to hereditary conditions. Dermatologists best evaluate alopecia and skin disorder.
Hair Loss causes
The unexpected loss of hair
What causes your hair loss?
The Dallas, TX hair restoration expert advises consulting your doctor with about hair loss diagnosis, the cause of your hair loss, and the best treatment for you. Did you know if you see rapid hair shedding or balding in patches, you should see a medical professional? Seek a doctor to evaluate potential diagnostic and treatment options and information about conditions, treatments, medications, side effects, or risks that may apply. Your physician may request a blood test to show the level of hormones or iron deficiency and examine and take a fungal culture and possibly a biopsy test. Medical scalp biopsies, hair examination, and hair pull tests will help. Your doctor may offer medical treatment to improve the hair loss condition, depending on the cause of your hair loss.

Hair Loss Diagnosis Tests
Hair loss diagnosis tests may include:
- Medical history
- Physical exam
- Pull test
- Scalp biopsy
- Blood tests
- Iron deficiency
- Hormone levels – androgens, testosterone
- Hair microscopy examination
But the above are not limited to the doctors’ hair loss diagnosis.
Background information, your doctor may ask.
Questions your doctor may ask will help diagnose the cause of your hair loss. Expect your doctor to ask for some of the following information.
- What medications and vitamins do you take?
- What is your daily diet?
- When did you first notice your hair loss?
- Is your hair loss seems to be all over or concentrated in patches?
- Is your hair showing breakage?
- Is anyone in your immediate family has a similar problem?
- How is your hair care routine?
Our Hair Restoration

Show & tell balding signs?
What may cause your hair loss & treatment
This information is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of a health care provider or examining and assessing a patient’s specific and unique circumstances. Hair loss disorder is best diagnosed and treated by a physician. Only your medical doctor should diagnose the underlying health issues and assess your hair loss condition.
In diagnosing your hair loss, a doctor’s diagnosis is best to determine the cause of why your hair falls out.
- Are you a senior & your hair is slowly thinning out? Most likely, it is a normal aging process. Is your hair loss seems to be gradual in front? Male pattern baldness is the answer. Female pattern baldness may also be diffused hair loss all around. For treatments, Rogaine, Propecia, or other medicines are available. Cosmetic hair system hair replacement or surgical hair transplant are other options.
- Are you taking any new medications or steroids? Hair loss may be a side effect of the medicine. It’s time to review your medications and a possible replacement to avoid losing more hair.
- Does your hair fall out in small patches & are these patches red or itchy? Possible Ringworm or other skin condition is affecting the hair follicles. Or it may be Alopecia Areata hair loss, an autoimmune disease that may progress to complete hair loss. A doctor may treat fungal infections with oral medications such as terbinafine or fluconazole. For Alopecia Areata, most likely, treatments will start with corticosteroid treatment used for Alopecia areata or other medicines of choice.
- During menopause, pregnancy, or the months after giving birth, Estrogen levels decrease & testosterone increases, causing hair loss—this cause female hormonal imbalance problem. Your doctor will tackle the hormonal imbalance problem.
- Are you a female using birth control pills? Check the hormonal imbalance problem and consult your doctor about switching to another medication.
- Do you feel abnormally tired or weak? Health issues may cause hair loss, such as the overactive or underactive thyroid gland iron or zinc imbalance.
- Do you feel stress in your life? Do you have anxiety habits like compulsive hair pulling or scalp rubbing? Damage to hair follicles due to nervous behavior is known as trichotillomania. Please discuss with your doctor how to alleviate your stress and address the psychological reasons for the anxiety. Cognitive behavior therapy is effective for the treatment of trichotillomania.
- Are you under chemo and radiation therapies? Hair loss is known to occur while using these products. Hair growth should resume after treatments stop.
- Your hair care routine may cause your hair to fall out. Have you recently used strong chemicals on your hair, like the perm or hair straighter? Are you using tight braids or other hair-pulling styles? Scarring alopecia due to inflammation of hair follicles. Stop any use of harsh chemicals immediately. Also, scarring alopecia occurs in African-American women due to persistent tight hair braiding. Stop pulling your hair roots, and tight braiding immediately.
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