Nu Hair of Texas

Nu Hair of Texas is Dallas hair loss specialist offers nonsurgical hair restoration treatments in Dallas-DFW since 1986. A better way is Nu Hair restoration. 

Our most popular hair system gives you the ability to quickly and conveniently get your full hair look back. Style your hair, go anywhere you want, and forget peers’ balding hair looks.

Laser Hair Therapy in Dallas ,DFW, TX hair Loss Treatments
Nu Hair has easy ways to get your hair back.
Call: 972-490-7766

Hair Loss Causes

Diagnosing Hair Loss

WHY IS MY HAIR FALLING OUT? Dallas hair loss specialist says that “causes of hair loss and excessive hair fall out due to many health conditions.”

What often leads to hair thinning could be medical reasons, such as anemia, autoimmune disorder alopecia areata, and cancer, which post severe stress on the body. Consult with a doctor to evaluate the cause and possible treatment.

Hair loss specialists

Doctors To see

Are you losing your hair?

Don’t Wait. A doctor’s diagnosis is best to determine the cause of why your hair falls out.

  1. First, check with your family doctor or internist. Your physician may request a blood test to show the level of hormones or iron deficiency.
  2. Second, a dermatologist specializing in hair loss may look at a fungal culture and possibly a biopsy test. He treats conditions such as skin infections that may cause hair loss.
  3. Meanwhile, you may need to see an endocrinologist for a metabolic evaluation of any hormone imbalance.
  4. Your doctor can offer medical treatment to improve your hair loss condition.

All information on this site is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of a health care provider or examination and assessment of a patient’s specific and unique circumstances.

Hair Loss Treatment for Women, Laser Hair Therapy Results Dallas, DFW, Texas
*Photos are Nu Hair & Transitions members' hair restoration results of hair replacement systems, wig, and laser hair therapy.
Call: 972-490-7766
African American Men Hair Replacement For Hair Loss Dallas
Real Hair. Real Clients. Nonsurgical Hair Loss Solutions

Choosing Treatments

Nu Hair loss specialists

3 Easy Hair Loss Solutions

Enjoy beautiful hair, and freedom from hair loss. Nu Hair of Texas’s hair loss specialists prioritize quality and genuinely personal service to find solution for your thinning hair, balding or damaged hair.

Our hair loss specialists carefully consider your individual needs to get back your beautiful hair with the latest proven techniques. Clients love us! Top-rated hair restoration experts in Dallas.

  1. Wigs are the most common form of hair replacement, especially for those with total or substantial hair loss.
  2. Also, hair systems, hairpieces are ideal for coverage over a sizable bald area of the scalp.
  3. Notably, the FDA cleared MEp90 laser as a medical device for hair growth.  

Our Hair Restoration

Real Clients. Real Results. 972-490-7766

kind reviews

Leland Pitts
Leland Pitts
Men's Hair Replacement
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"I've been with Marvin for over 20 years. Service and product quality is fantastic! Highly recommend!." Feb. 2024
Lynne Wende
Lynne Wende
Human Hair Wig
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“The best experience ever , my stylist was a true artist! The best Marvin was amazing." Aug. 2024
Henry Rodriguez
Henry Rodriguez
Men's Hair Replacement System
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“Nu hair a spectacular place. Friendly service with tender care. In and out a brand new look. Highly recommended, superb." March 2024
David Wood
David Wood
Men's Hair Replacement System
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“I love this place. Great quality, stylish hair cuts, and the owner, Marvin, is as a wonderful man." Mar. 2024
Alisha B
Alisha B
Female Hair System
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"My experience with Nu Hair of Dallas hair replacement salon was wonderful. Very professional hair systems services. Hairstylists are experts and very nice. Look at my photos. Love my hair!" 2023
Pamela Burnett
Pamela Burnett
Female Hair Replacement
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"NU HAIR of Texas is the very best!!!! Marvin (the owner) is so nice. Makes you feel like family. The best stylist I've ever had. " 2023
David Dixon
David Dixon
Men's Hair System Topper
Read More
"Marvin is amazing. I have much more confidence now. The best in Dallas. Real professionals." 2023
I noticed my hair thinning in my 20's. Within a few years, male pattern baldness was in its full glory. I did not accept the aging look. To my surprise, with my new full hair style, I only heard how great I look.
I swim and dive without worries that everyone will see me bald. I style my hair & go out without a baseball cap. To feel confident is an incredible feeling!​
Swim with Nu Hair Dallas TX Best Hair Replacement System for Hair Loss Treatments for Men Dallas-DFW
Marvin Friedman. Real Hair. Real Clients.

Nu Hair Loss ExpertS

Complete Private consultation

Nu Hair restoration inspires you to live healthier by helping you look good. How to get your hair back? 

We understand that deciding which hair loss treatment & hair restoration options are complicated. Therefore, our goal is to help you make an educated decision in finding the hair loss solution that is best for you.

After all, Nu Hair of Texas hair loss specialist is a top hair replacement system provider and Transitions International Hair Restoration Group member.

Call 972-490-7766

Let's Get Hair

Discover life-changing, easy ways to get your beautiful hair back and tips to optimize your hairstyle. To schedule your private no-obligation and “no pressure” consultation, use the CONTACT form with any questions or concerns.

By Appointment Only.